flirty response to how's it going

Flirty Response To How’s It Going


When someone asks “How’s it going?” It’s often a casual way to check in, but when the question comes from someone you’re interested in, it can be an opportunity to add a playful or flirty twist to the conversation. A flirty response to “How’s it going?” can make the exchange more fun, light-hearted, and engaging, while also showing your interest and keeping the conversation alive. It’s all about showing that you’re interested, but without coming on too strong. A flirty reply can vary from subtly teasing to boldly hinting at your attraction, depending on the dynamic and how comfortable you are with the other person.

Flirty Responses to  How’s It Going?

  1. “Better now that you’re asking.”
  2. “It was going fine… until I got distracted by thinking about you.”
  3. “Going great, but I think it would be even better if you were here.”
  4. “It’s going amazing now that you’ve popped into my day.”
  5. “It’s going alright, but I think it could be a lot more interesting if we hung out.”
  6. “Going well, but I have a feeling it’ll get even better if you’re part of the day.”
  7. “I was doing fine… but now that I’m talking to you, it’s going even better!”
  8. “It’s going great, just missing some excitement. Care to change that?”
  9. “Better now that you’re in the picture!”
  10. “I was doing okay, but now I’m doing much better hearing from you.”
  11. “Going good, but I’m sure it could go better with a little company.”
  12. “Pretty well, but I’m definitely hoping for a little more fun today. Any suggestions?”
  13. “It’s going fine, but I can’t help but wonder how much more fun it would be if you were with me.”
  14. “Going good, but the day would be so much brighter if I saw your face.”
  15. “It was going well, but now that you’re here, it’s officially the best part of my day.”
  16. “I was doing fine, but your message just made it a whole lot better.”
  17. “Going pretty good, but it’d be a lot more fun if you were by my side.”
  18. “Couldn’t be better now that I’m talking to you.”
  19. “It’s going fine, but I think it’d be even better if you took me out sometime.”
  20. “It’s going well, but I think we should do something to make it even better.”


A flirty response to “How’s it going?” is an excellent way to express interest and add some playful energy to the conversation. It’s all about having fun with the moment, showing your attraction without being overly forward, and keeping the dialogue light and engaging. Whether you choose to tease, compliment, or subtly suggest future plans, a flirty reply can turn an ordinary question into a spark-filled conversation. So, next time someone asks “How’s it going?”—especially someone you’re interested in—use one of these flirty responses to make the exchange unforgettable!