Best Comebacks When Someone Makes Fun of Your Looks. It can be upsetting and hurtful to have someone make fun of your appearance. Although it happens far too frequently, nobody likes to feel awkward or self-conscious in front of other people. We have the solutions you need if you’re searching for ways to advocate for yourself!
This post contains Best Comebacks When Someone Makes Fun of Your Looks. Continue reading to get your confidence back and confront those bullies!
21+Best Comebacks When Someone Makes Fun of Your Looks:
- ‘Well, I can’t hear your insults over the sound of my fabulousness.’
- ‘I might not be a supermodel, but my personality is top-notch.’
- ‘Looks can change, but your attitude seems pretty permanent.’
- ‘I see your fashion sense is as outdated as your jokes.’
- ‘Is that the best you’ve got? I’ve heard better insults from a toddler with a crayon’
- ‘Sorry, I don’t speak ‘insecure and jealous.’
- ‘I’m too busy living my life to worry about your shallow opinions.’
- ‘Sorry, I wasn’t aware that my appearance was up for your review.’
- ‘Funny, I don’t remember asking for your comment.’
- ‘It’s a good thing my self-esteem isn’t tied to your approval.’
- ‘You must be bored to analyze me this much.’
- ‘Oh, I didn’t know I required your consent to be here’
- ‘Oh, I see you’re still using your 5th-grade humor. How’s that working out for you?.’
- ‘I’m owning my flaws; when will you own your insecurity?’
- ‘Keep staring—you might learn something.’
- ‘Funny how your mouth works better than your fashion sense.’
- ‘Your comments reveal more about you than they do about me.’
- ‘I’m not here to uphold your ideals of beauty.’
- At least my mirror doesn’t break when I smile.’
- ‘My charm is blinding; no wonder you can’t see it.’
With these Best Comebacks When Someone Makes Fun of Your Looks up your sleeve, you can stay confident in the face of criticism!